"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 5/17/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Based on 104 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that The Walkmen is rated as an entertaining live performer, with many notable strengths. The Walkmen concert reviews describe live shows and performances as refined, theatrical, fierce, consistent, compelling, dramatic, and aggressive.
Wiggins Park, Camden, NJ, United States (September 20); Forest Hills Stadium, New York City, United States (September 27);
New York, United States (2000 - present) (2000 ‚Äì present) (2000 – present)
The Walkmen are an American indie rock band, with members based in New York City and Philadelphia. The band formed in 2000 with three members from Jonathan Fire*Eater‚àö√úPaul Maroon (guitar, piano), Walter Martin (organ/bass), and Matt Barrick (drums)‚àö√úand two from The Recoys, Peter Matthew Bauer (bass/organ) and Hamilton Leithauser (vocals, guitar).
Has Performed With
Mazarin, Father John Misty
Critic Concert Reviews
Under the Radar (USA)
April 29, 2024
High Water Festival, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, April 20-21, 2024
When you’re young, a band breaking up can feel like a death in the family. As time goes on, though, one thing becomes clear: most bands seem to find their way back together,
When reading my fresh weekly copy of the NME some near twenty years ago, I have still a clear recollection of a full-page advert proclaiming the then all but unknown act The Walkmen as something along the lines of ‘Your New Favourite Band!' This at the time reminded me of The Simpsons ‘Krusty Gets Cancelled' episode