"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 5/17/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Based on 6 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that DRI is rated as an enjoyable live performer, with decent shows overall. DRI concert reviews describe live shows and performances as energized.
There were crazy looking people doing crazing things everywhere. So many people were so drunk and/or high, that there were bodies slumped against the walls.
Representing the new state of heavy music influenced by the headliner's boundary pushing, Ohio hardcore-infused death metal quintet Woe of Tyrants put on one hell of an energized gig. Standing four-strong across the stage front and eyeing down every soul in the room, their beefy bass, pounding drums and shred