Beardyman live in concert.


critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Beardyman is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 10% of all live performers. Based on 13 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Beardyman is rated as a superb live performer, with remarkable shows that are worth seeing.



Latest Release

Shelter Me From the Rain (feat. MC HyperScott) - Single (March 5, 2022)

Artist Info

(5/14/1982) (5/14/1982) (5/14/1982)
Beardyman - UK Beatbox Champion: Amongst the throng of beatboxers emerging today, there are few like Beardyman. A tirelessly innovative performer, Beardyman has always pushed the boundaries of what people expect from human beatbox, merging phenomenal beatbox skills with his left-field sense of humour and incredible musicality.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Bristol In Stereo (UK)

November 3, 2019
Beardyman // Live Review & Photoset

X-Press Magazine (Australia)

February 27, 2017
Chevron Festival Gardens, Perth, Australia

The West Australian (Australia)

February 22, 2017
The Londoner born Darren Foreman cut a small, scruffy figure amid wisps of smoke billowing on stage.

Brighton's Finest (UK)

November 22, 2016
Famous for his beatboxing and looping skills, plus his use of comedy, Beardyman’s name alone has enough weight to sell out big venues.

GetIntoThis (UK)

January 23, 2016
Having watched Beardyman on YouTube we had an idea of what to expect this evening at The Epstein Theatre; an all-round show of slick beatboxing skills, madcap musical invention and comedy.

Slate the Disco (UK)

November 13, 2015
Clearly Beardyman loves his audience and they were looking forward to a night of fuck-nuttery.

The Arts Desk (UK)

October 22, 2015
During the first half, the titles veer towards the puerile and scatological and we end up with a junglist anthem about poodles and anuses

Past critic reviews published in

Surviving the Golden Age (USA), Bearded Magazine (UK), GoldenPlec (Ireland), Resident Advisor, Gig Junkies (UK) and more

Image Credit

[CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons